So, I was telling the story about how Mr. Straight Boy from class brought up HP slash and E and J absolutely refused to believe me, stating that he must be stalking me on the internet....I, of course, argued that they were missing the point of the entire story, which was that it was *random*. But no, E maintained steadfastly that he must be stalking me. To which I repiled that there aren't any direction connections between me and my fanfiction, and that he must have done some serious stalking to find it.And E decided to state that it wasn't that hard by using the example that he'd found and read my fanfiction.I. died.Also, i came periously close to smacking him. I fucking asked him not to. Begged him, even. Why couldn't he just leave well the fuck alone? Jesus. (And for all of those on my RL journal friends list, the post i'm referring to is here . I'd un-friends lock it, but then he'll see it, and it's rather...personal. Just ask if you want me to add you so you can read it.) Motherfucker.I mean, it ended well, as I was freaking out and he and J just couldn't figure out why I was so upset. I replied that it was horribly embarressing and it's a part of my life that i'm not comfortable with my RL friends seeing (who aren't slash-friendly girls, anyway) etc etc etc. I asked him why he wasn't shrinking away from me in horror, and he replied that he really didn't care, thought it was mildly amusing, wasn't weirded out, and just was sort of...."enlightened" was the word he used. Hmmph. Douchebag.At least he's still speaking to me, and doesn't seem even mildly weirded out about it. He's also sworn to secrecy.The only good part about this entire thing was that I came downstairs the next morning to find that he'd left the text-only porn archive on the screen (that he'd been reading from last night after J and I went to bed). I didn't look to see if it was slash or not (and I doubt it was) but man, did I enjoy busting his balls that morning. Takes one to know one, my ass.Now I am paranoid. And feel a need to f-lock my entire journal, even though I really don't want to.What do I do? I really don't feel like doing this over again. I love having a public journal because it's a great way to make new friends. But I eventually flocked my RL journal for the same reasons; namely, people seeing things I didn't want them to see.Arrghgh. Do I go back and find every entry in which someone refers to me by name and delete/lock it? My name is pretty individual, and it's kind of a drawback for things like this. Do I create a fic journal? I don't really want to. The whole *point* of creating this account was for it to be a fandom journal WITH fic. And I can't flock the fic, because that's just obnoxious and one of my least favorite things. Maybe i'll just flock the NC-17 stuff after a certain period? Say, 2 weeks?Oh, and E? If you're reading this? Which you very well might be, you stalker. Fuck Off and Die in the nicest possible way